Art and design

Superheroes Planning and Resources KS1/LKS2 (Historical Figures and Art & Design)
Includes detailed, differentiated and engaging lesson plans and resources for History and Art within the theme of superheroes.
The children begin to understand what a ‘hero’ is and make links to historical figures who can be thought of as heroes. They then go on to investigate symbols and design and make their own superhero capes and masks.
The objectives covered are:
To explore the life of Florence Nightingale.
To explore the life of Mary Seacole.
To explore the similarities and differences between Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale.
To explore the life of Edith Cavell.
To explore the life of Nelson Mandela.
To write a biography of Nelson Mandela.
To explore the lives of historical heroes.
To research and present information.
To investigate symbols.
Please see my other uploads, including Supertato which we covered in English and links really well to this unit!